Bari Sax and Bass Recorder
It's another long weekend again -- Hand Class all weekend (10-6 both days) and a party on Sunday night (after class)... I am SO SCREWED because my routine has been sleeping at 6-7 AM and getting up around 2 PM. So I barely make it home driving and collapse at 7:30 -- and of course at 10 PM I'm up and SCREWED. Told Mom how I needed to be talked to feel supported ("Don't beat me up with suggestions of how to run my life -- just tell me you love me and you're available should I need you.") She did pretty well after some major coaching... and we ended up screaming and laughing when we realized Dad was really 73 on Monday instead of 74 like they've been advertising... NO ONE DID THE MATH and Dad forgot!
He was so happy to find out he just got a year younger.
Now it's 1:18 AM and I'm restless and awake, agitated and crabby. What better but that to listen to the SHOWTUNES channel on Radio AOL so all my drama-queen-crap can make an appearance -- and exit. (I already had a good cry this morning in class -- TL calling me on my shit in private, but giving me time to regroup.)
I heard "Try to Remember" sung by Liza Minnelli... and while I don't care for the song OR Liza with a Z, I loved the orchestration. There was a terrific "fat" sax section doing a subtle background and I heard a bari sax at the very bottom... OMG, the memories! The sax section of my high school jazz band -- we were hot, we were ONE...I love the bottom of the orchestra, band, ensemble, choir, electronica -- even though I was a bit taken aback when asked to play bari in high school (as I was one of the few that could get all the air in it -- a reference I was sure had to do SOLELY on my weight... not a good feeling for a teenager. (At least I didn't march with it!) This is also why I played bass recorder in collegium musicum at Oxy (which is so big it needs a neckstrap like a sax). The lower parts are simpler and not as flashy as the woodwinds/violins/sopranos etc. But they are the foundation. GROUNDING. The support, the base of which all depends.
I love that... all the parts at the bottom of the score... and I'm missing making music.
OMG!!! Look what I just said! I just said I MISSED IT! THIS IS A GOOD THING! OMG...